Favourite Quote

“You must be the change you want to see in the world”

Mahatma Gandhi

Sonya J. Sabbah, British-born and educated, is a Master Certified Coach Trainer, Certified Executive Coach (ACSTH-ICF), Certified Master Trainer & Cognitive Behavioural Coach, as well as founder of Excellence First Leadership Academy (EFLA) and published author.

Sonya graduated from the University of London with a Bachelor degree (LLB) in Law and worked with the United Nations for 6 years as a Humanitarian Lawyer. She studied Journalism and Newswriting at the London School of Journalism and worked as a staff reporter for the Daily Star newspaper & Lebanon Opportunities Business Magazine.

She founded Excellence First in 2007 as a corporate training & coaching business rebranded it by establishing EFLA, a leadership academy committed to branding and developing world-class leaders, and promoting teams and ethical behaviour. She is also a Certified Personal Branding & Image Strategist and has helped many prominent figures, as well as individuals and young people, level up their image. Sonya has worked with many multinationals and international organisations such as Total, BAT, Bel (France), Expeditors and ICRC. Her clients include banks, hospitals, universities, pharmaceutical companies, hospitality businesses, NGO’s, Governmental offices, entrepreneurs, and executives among others in Lebanon, the Gulf and the Levant area. Sonya also runs her own coaching school in collaboration with CEC (USA).

She designed many leadership programs especially for the youths, women and business executives which she runs regularly. Sonya served as a leadership instructor in the “Leadership & Change Management Diploma Program” at the Center of Continuing Education at Haigazian University and is invited regularly to lecture at various universities on leadership, personal branding, job-interview skills, Emotional Intelligence, communication and customer care Topics.

Sonya is a member of the International Coach Federation (ICF). She appears on a number of local & regional media outlets as a resident expert & still writes for a number of magazines. Sonya launched her first book “Etiquette in the City: Beirut” in 2011, and is in the process of writing her second book on leadership branding. Sonya was awarded the “Civility Award” as well as the Certificate of Distinguished Service as Member of the AICI area Ambassadors’ Committee. Sonya is in the process of completing her Master of Science (MSc.) degree in Psychology at the University of Derby (UK).

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