The Executive Coaching Program
“The Leaders ArchitectTM“
A Coaching Culture at your organization gives you an edge over your competitors, creates a culture of success and takes you and your organization to new levels of performance. A Coaching culture improves accountability, develops leaders, improves communication, provides employees with the necessary skills and makes your organizataion a magnet for top talents.
We provide coaching packages on any of the topics listed below. We also conduct group coaching as well as facilitation services on 360 Degrees Feedback processes or any other review to aid understanding , set goals and create positive changes to any individual or organization.
Our Certified Executive Coaches are qualified professionals who work with executives and high potential employees to help them gain self-awareness, clarify goals, achieve their development objectives, unlock their potential and act as a sounding board. Typical coaching engagements include:
One-to-One Executive Coaching
Providing executives the opportunity to reflect, be more self-aware and explore deeply the impact of their behavior on their organization and life.
Leader Branding
Providing middle to high management leaders the opportunity to stop and reflect on their behavior and their goals for the future. “Leader Branding” is a must in our day and age, to stand out from the rest.
Team Coaching
Where an entire leadership team is engaged in a coaching and alignment process in team coaching meetings.
Feedback Coaching
This is focused mainly on debriefing of assessment data and the initial sense-making and development of a plan of action. (such as 360°Feedback facilitation)
Cognitive Behavioral Coaching
Our Cognitive Behaviour Coach coaches our clients on Anxiety, Low self-esteem/Confidence, Procrastination and Anger Management.
Career Coaching
Our Career Coach coaches on all matters related to career goals, from writing a CV to planning your professional goals to developing interpersonal skills.
“Leadership is a choice, not a position.”
-Stephen Covey
The majority of our coaching is related to the following topics:

We, at EFLA, use the APER method for the Executive Coaching sessions which has been proven to be our anchor of success with all our clients.